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Digitalise. Control. Perform.


Simple and elegant solutions for Pharma.

We aim to provide the Pharmaceutical Industry with Technological Solutions for everyday challenges in a Simple and Elegant way.

Our products


A management software that integrates product information through its entire lifecycle, from R&D to Market Surveillance. Affordable, simple and elegant, it is the perfect solution to manage the information of your company.

Our solutions

Cerinio provides a complete R&D / QA / RIM / PhV Management software and an online GMP Report Marketplace.

Focus on what is really important for your organisation instead of Control/ administrative tasks.

Save time
Solutions like Nuklio will integrate all the information you need. It means less meetings and less minutes.

Less Risk
Integrating the information in one software means that everybody has access to the most updated data – less risk and a greater chance of project success.

With out solutions you have access to top edge technology and you are in the forefront of the digitalisation of standard processes.

Our team

Different areas of Expertise – one disruptive team

César Gonçalves

Quality assurance & GMp

Pieter Van Rompay

Pharmaceutical Management

Ricardo Andrade

Regulatory affairs & pharmacovigilance

Learn what Cerinio can do for your company today.

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